Monday, February 22, 2010

Getting ready for the flight

No pictures again but I promise I will add some next time. It is the night before our flight and we are getting ready to go out one last time with some friends. We have had a busy last week, seeing friends and family and it is starting to wind down. Tonight will be an early one, thank goodness because I do not think I can handle another late one, and also because we have some more packing to do. Our suit cases are almost full; we just have to arrange them to make everything fit. Hopefully the airline will be a little lenient and give us an extra pound per suit case. We are in for a long two days because our flight leaves Lima at 12:20am on Wednesday and arrives in Miami at 6:20am. We are going to rent a car and drive to Tampa for a short visit and break and then to Tallahassee, it is going to be a long one. Wish us luck and a safe trip and I will add my last post once we are settled in Tampa, sometime in the beginning of March.

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