Thursday, December 10, 2009

They're Here

Sonia, Aliah and Ameer arrived late Tuesday night. Sra. Sonia, Sr. Juan, Tia Chela, Johanna and I headed for the airport to give them a big welcome. A few of the other family members joined the welcome party at the airport and we all waited patiently with our big welcome banner. When the plane landed we all got very excited and eagerly started to look. They eventually walked through the gate and we all started whistling and waving to get their attention. They finally saw us and we all ran down to say hello and the tears started to flow. The kids were excited but Sonia was the most ecstatic because this is the first time she has been home since 2001. We all went back to the house and stayed up talking until 2am.

Here they come with all of their baggage.

Ameer, being a very energetic boy, made a beeline straight for the toys.

Sonia was a little different but just as energetic and went straight for the fruit.

Aliah is so easy going, she was just happy to be here.


  1. Everyone looks so happy. I'm so glad they are the fun begins. It's great to see everyone--thanks for the pics. Tell everyone "Hi" for me.
    Love, Mom

  2. I know everyone is so happy to see them all! Glad you guys had a great Christmas too ... we missed you!!!

  3. hiiiii everyone ,
    aliah i miss you so much ameer and sonia too , i wish i could be with you guys.
    Juhanna & Bill keep going its an interesting site.
    Sr. Juan and Sra. Sonia happy anniversary.
    have fun everyone and remember me.


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