Saturday, January 23, 2010

We've got our plane tickets

Well it is set in stone now we are coming home. We got our plane tickets and we are going to arrive in Miami on February 24th at 6:05am. I am very excited to be coming home but Johanna is a little hesitant. These tickets are round trip so I have to make sure I hide them when we get back or Johanna may use hers to return to Peru. Johanna’s take on this whole trip is kind of interesting and something we wish we would have thought about before we started our journey. Before Johanna moved to the United States in 2003 she was living with her parent’s and even though she was 23 years old she was still under their roof and therefore had to follow their rules. She did not go out with her friends a whole lot and had to check in with her parents before she would go out. Not a lot of freedom. Now let’s jump ahead to today. She has her own place and can come and go as she pleases. I do not like to go out dancing as much as she does so she has a lot of girl’s nights out. That is okay with me though because like I said she likes to dance a lot more than I do. So, she has more freedom now and she is really enjoying this new Peru. It is a lot different and more fun than it was before so now it is going to be a lot harder to leave than it was before. So on February 24th please send good wishes and lots of love Johanna’s way because she is going to need it. I will be sure to have a full box of tissues for the flight home and a second box for when we touchdown in Miami.


  1. Awwww, poor Johanna. I know it will be difficult for her ... we'll do our very best to make this a wonderful home away from home!

  2. I know how hard it is going to be...her family is so large and so close. There aren't very many of us, but we surely do love her as much as her Peru family does. Oh yeah, we love you too Bill.:)

  3. Prayers. Please touch base with Adam once you get settled.


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