Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We Are Home!

Well we made it. A whole year in Peru and we are now back in Tampa safe and sound. I can not even begin to tell you what a great time we had. I have learned so much about myself, Johanna, Peru and life in general. I have had people ask me if I have changed and at first I said no but now I am realizing that I may have changed a little, moreover I have grown a lot. This experience has opened my eyes to one small part of the world outside the confinds of the United States. It has also taught me how proud I am to be from the US and what a good life I have here in the US and that I have taken most of its luxuaries for granted.

I now have a special place in my heart for Peru and I can not wait to go back to visit. I already miss the people and also the fantastic food. I have to say that I do not miss the city of Lima too much because it is so big and the traffic is crazy but if I have to put up with that to see my family and friends again I will. Since we left and more importantly since we have returned I have been thinking that this may not have been the best time to go on this adventure because of how hard it is to find a job now. But I quickly remind myself that this was a great experience and if we had not done this now then we never would have gone at all. I also remind myself of something that I learned from the people in Peru, you only live once and you have to enjoy every minute. Even though we may be jobless and things are going to be hard for a while we still are in good health, we have each other, and we have our friends and family. What else do you need?

I hope you have enjoyed the blog but unfortunately this is going to be my last post. If we ever decide to go on another adventure I promise I will start a new one. For now, if you want to keep up with the changes in our lives we are just going to have to communicate the old fashion way, by telephone or I guess email works too. Thank you again for all of your support and kind words.

With love,
Bill and Johanna

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