Friday, May 1, 2009

Stage #2 Frustration

Before I left for Peru my very intelligent sister Karen told me to read about culture shock and learn the different stages. I did this and I think I have just jumped head first into stage #2, the frustration stage. This is where you find that everything in the new place is frustrating and agitating. For example, it is like walking out the door, being greeted by a neighbor and wanting nothing more than to shout obscenities at them. Johanna and I have been working on getting my work visa and for some time now and for some reason it just got to be too much one day. I will not get into the details because it is a long story but just trust that it is very frustrating and these problems would never happen in the US. Anyway I think the important thing is realizing why I am reacting in this way and that realization is helping me to cope with my new challenges. I am anxiously awaiting the next stage, Acceptance, but until I get there I will be as patient as possible and try realize that just because things are different they are not necessarily wrong.


  1. That was our motto for the entire time we dated ... "it's not wrong, it's just different." Hang in there, it get's better, I promise!

  2. You are soooooo right, Karen is very intelligent!!! :) And she is so right, things will get better....after all, God is in control, and He loves you...this I KNOW!!!
    We love you both, too!
    Tio Dean and Tia Andrea

  3. Oh, yeah things like that happen in the US. Let us remind you about trying to get the street sign on Nursery Rd. right after we got here. You just have to laugh!!! I am sooo glad you are aware of the syndrome.

  4. O.K. you've been sick, frustrated and can't get a work visa. Don't you think it's time you came home? As my mother use to say," cheer up things could be worse." She was right, I would cheer up and sure as the sun would come up. Things got worse. Ken & Donna.

  5. Just think.. you are not the first one... and you won't be the last one.. so then... relaxxxxxxxxx and live every moment as much as you can...the most important things to look: A dwelling, a good partner, good food,and health...keep it up! Kathy carvalho


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