Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Am Famous

No pictures this time but big news, I was on TV. Johanna and I went to an art expedition with some friends for a different type of night out. I am not one for art that you have to interpret so a family of alien looking statues was way over my head. But we had a nice time enjoying each other’s company and then the camera entered the room. They were from a local television show and the host is known for his comic interviews, I should have known because he was wearing a suit with tennis shoes. They began walking around the room, finding different victims but our group stayed well hidden. When they would walk in our direction we would slink down behind one of the alien's. But he was a crafty sucker, while we were talking and looking for him on one side of the room he popped up beside us and I got caught. I thought I would be able to escape because I could easily play the no Spanish card but he had thought of that and he knew English, there was no getting out of this one. He asked me a couple of questions about why I was in Peru and if I was enjoying myself and then he gave me a test. He said a word in Spanish and I had to repeat it in English. I was doing good, mano-hand, dientes-teeth, brazo-arm, and then he said some slang word for standing I think and I had no idea. We all had a good laugh and he released me back into the party. Then the show aired on TV a week later and I finally got to see how red I actually get when I am embarrassed. I know you all know this lovely quality I have but I never realized it was that bad. I was even glowing a little (sweating profusely). Anyway, the show repeats through the week so it was on 3-4 times per day from Sunday to Saturday. Ever since, when we go out with friends or meet new friends I have been getting noticed as the gringo on the TV.


  1. So much for the idea of actually EVER blending in!! No doubt, the most handsome gringo to grace the Peruvian airways!!

  2. This is hysterical. Karen and I will wear our sunglasses to be incognito with the "gringo celebrity". Too funny!!! Mom

  3. I have been on the Island so I'm catching up with the blog. I my need to go back to the Island for a rest after reading the blog. Keep haveing fun. Ken.


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