Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another Family Party

This time Sra. Sonia had a party at her house for her side of the family. She has two brothers and one sister so her side is not as big as Sr. Juan’s but that is a good thing because we did not have a bus this time. Tiá Otillia and Tiá Chella (Sr. Juan’s sisters) helped Sra. Sonia cook and what a spread. There was a ton of food and luckily there were leftovers so we got to eat for the next three days. This was the first time Johanna had seen a lot of her cousins in a very long time so everyone had a lot of fun laughing and remembering old times.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Job

When Johanna and I moved to down here we both agreed that we would not work on the weekends. However, since it has been so hard to find jobs I started a new job on Saturday. It is a teaching job at a second institute and I am teaching a class, rather than just one student. I must say that I am enjoying this more than I thought I would. My students are very energetic and since they are paying an arm and a leg for the class they take it seriously. During our training I was talking to another American newbie who said he was currently working at three different institutes and has one private lesson and still only works about 15 hours per week. For those who remember In Living Color I am going to end up like the Jamaican family from the Hey Mon skits. I have two now and I am starting to put some things together to start teaching private lessons so before you know it I will have 4 or 5 jobs. Wish me luck.

By the way the transportation strike was cancelled so the trip to work was without drama.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not Much Going On

Not a lot happening here right now. Johanna and I have been working and relaxing (relaxing more than working). There was a transportation department strike a few days ago and none of the bus drivers or taxi drivers worked that day. They stood on the sides of the roads protesting increases in driving infraction fines. Since then they do not think the government has listened to their demands they have decided to strike again. There are conflicting stories as to when this will occur but may be today, Wednesday, Thursday or all of these. I guess I will find out when I go to catch a bus this afternoon for work. I hope it is not today because it is a very long walk to work. We will just have to wait and see.

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