Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Paintball Mania

Johanna and I met a bunch of friends just outside of Lima for a few games of paintball on Saturday. The place had barricades, houses and blinds to use for cover and they provided us all with camouflage jump suits. They also gave us chest pads, gloves and of course masks and we all looked like Rambo clones. The horn blew and the fun began. We were all running and diving and crawling trying to avoid the sting of a paintball but in the end I think everyone got hit at least once. Once all three games were over we sat around and told our war stories and showed our battle scares with pride. Once we got home Johanna and I examined our wounds a little closer. I got one on top of my head and of course it did not hurt too badly because you know my head is pretty hard. But I did feel the one in my thigh. Johanna took one on the forearm and it looked pretty painful but the one on her tush took the prize. It was bright red and swollen and she felt it every time she tried to sit down. We went off to bed and were sure the next day would be a little better but we were wrong, we found new injuries. Our bodies were so sore from diving and crawling on the ground that we did not feel those paintball bruises anymore and needless to say Sunday was a very unproductive day. But now it is Tuesday and we are getting back to normal and I cannot wait to do it again.


  1. ha,ha...You young brave guys..for sure it was painfull..this should be the name of the game!!!ha,ha,ha..keep posting and no pictures??

  2. Where are the pictures, especially Johanna's wounds? :)


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