Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Day of Celebration

On Sunday I was excited about sleeping in when I was suddenly awaken at 7:00am by cannon fire at least that is what it sounded like. I got up to investigate and I found people in the streets decorating everything in purple and white balloons and streamers. They were getting ready to celebrate the day of an important Saint here in Peru, I am not sure who but everyone else seemed to know, and they were launching fireworks to commemorate the day.

A guy drew the design on the street with chalk and then a bunch if people filled in the entire thing with flower pedals and colored saw dust. All done the morning of the big day.

Johanna and I went out later to grab some lunch and all of the decorations were ready and the people were sitting in chairs in front of their houses talking and waiting. When we returned was saw that this is what they were waiting for.
This group of people walked all around the area carrying this “float” and playing music. They stopped every once in a while in front of groups of people and they would all pray together. It was quite a site.

That is sheet music on their backs for the guys walking behind them.

The group walked over the art masterpiece as they went down the street. I would have been a little upset if this was my work but apparently this is how it is done.


  1. That's pretty cool, although I agree with you, I can't believe they trampled all over the street art!

  2. That is so pretty. Loved the pictures of the celebration. Thanks,


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