Friday, March 6, 2009

Sr. Juan's 61st B-Day

Last night we were able to use Skype for the first time and we talked to Sonia and the kids. You can see Aliah smiling brightly as we were making funny faces back and forth to each other. Today we took Sr. Juan to lunch at a place called "Moche" for his birthday. He says they serve the best cuy in Lima so that was the place to go. Johanna took a picture of my plate and can anyone guess what cuy translates to in English? A little hint, some of you may have had one as a pet when you were a child. That is right it is guinea pig. Sound gross but it was very good, it tastes like chicken.


  1. Happy Birthday to Juan! I'm sure cuy tastes a LOT like chicken????

  2. Chicken? Really? Like KFC chicken or the other kind of chicken?


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