Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting Started

If you have not heard by now Johanna and I are going to be moving to Peru sometime in February. Our quick answer to everyone is "We are doing this as an adventure." We had to come up with a quick answer because everyone asks where we are going and why. The long answer is a little more in-depth so here we go.
We decided to move to Peru for at least one year and maybe longer if we enjoy ourselves. The reason we are staying for at least a year is to give it a chance and not run back home at the first sign of trouble. There are many different reasons we have decided to do this. One big one is so that I can learn the Spanish language and in turn get to know Johanna’s family and friends better. Another reason is so that I can understand Johanna a little better and what she goes through here in America, living in a new country and speaking a different language. And last but not least so Johanna can spend more time with her family and friends. We have always talked about moving to Peru and we realized that if we do not do it now we probably never will. We have already rented an apartment in a nice neighborhood close to Johanna’s parents. It is furnished and all of the utilities are included for the whopping price of $250.00 per month. Yes that is right only $250.00 and the only things that are missing are a washer, dryer and a stove. We think this is a blessing because neither one of us like to do laundry nor cook. Neither one of us has a job yet but I have decided that I will probably teach English to adult students and Johanna is probably going to work at a bank. Luckily I do not have to speak Spanish to teach because I do not speak Spanish. The students will already have an understanding of the English language. Johanna has some contacts in the banking industry here and in Peru and this should enable her to find a job pretty easily. As far as the details go this is about it and I am sure you can see now why we say we are moving for an adventure because it will definitely be one. I am going to do my best to keep this blog up to date. Karen talked me into this and I think it is a good idea but I know me and I hope I stick with it. I can almost assure you that this will be the most writing I will be doing. I am not much for writing so I will probably be posting mostly pictures.


  1. Well, you know we're going to miss you both terribly ... BUT we look forward to visiting you in Peru!!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful adventure...I know Johanna's family will help you learn all the GOOD parts of the Spanish language!! You will have to tutor us gringos on your return. You both will be sorely missed. Pictures will be great and each one "is worth a thousand words" the more pictures the less words necessary!! :) Sending our love and prayers with you . Uncle Dean and Aunt Andie


  4. This is a TEST of the post a comment box. Knowing what a computer wiz I am I thought I would test this to see if what I'm doing is correct. If this goes out to you, you will hear from me again. If not I will be doing time in cyber prison somwere. Good Luck on your trip. Looking forward to your blog. Ken

  5. I hope the move and everything went smoothly.


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