Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Journey Has Begun

We have started our journey. Monday was the big move and everything went well. We rented a U-Haul and started to get a little nervous when we filled it to the door but thanks to our love for Tetris everything fit perfectly. On Tuesday we woke up with the sun and finished all of the last minute arrangements and we headed for Miami at 9pm. We are now in the Miami airport waiting for our 730am flight to Bogota and then to Lima by 730pm. We are not going to get much sleep but I think the excitement will keep us going.
I found some new information about the flight, we are going to stop by San Jose, Costa Rica for an hour and then head over to Bogota. That is why this 6 hour trip is going to take 12 hours.
Now we are in San Jose and the internet is free so I am going to post this and I will continue the story once we arrive in Lima. I have to say the weather here is awesome. We are sitting in the airport but the door is open and there is a cool breeze blowing by.


  1. By now, you are there safely and soundly. We already miss you guys, but are looking forward to hearing all about the experience!! Buenas Fortunas....I am going to go get myself some te' sin azucar :)

  2. So....did yall make it ok? Whats going on. I hope Sully was your pilot. I will try to laod skype on my home comp this weekend FYI.


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