We recently moved into a new apartment a little closer to Johanna’s parents home. Our old place was nice but our landlord was crazy as a loon and we got a little tired of her shenanigans. Johanna, her mother and I went out one day with the goal of finding an apartment and we knew it was going to be a little difficult because they rent very fast right now. We called the first place on the list and got directions and we were off. We arrived about time minutes later and the apartment was already rented. I said they go fast and they do. So we called the next place and it was close so this time we literally ran, Johanna and her mom took off while I lagged behind. We were running down a street with a lot of people and stores and of course when they flew by everyone was looking. I did not realize but they were also looking at me running after them and I think they thought I was chasing them because I got a few strange looks. Anyway, we arrived and the apartment was on the 5th floor, I counted 56 steps. We finally reached the summit and the place was great except it was on the 5th floor. While we were deciding what to do the door bell rang and it was another couple apartment hunting. Time was running out, we “weighed” our options, basically we were unsure about all of the stairs but we knew we both could use the exercise, so we took it. Moving was a pain but Johanna’s parents helped us a lot and it made it a lot easier. I want to invite them over for dinner sometime but I think I will let them rest for a couple of weeks before they have to make the climb again. Mom and Karen when you come down be sure to bring your walking shoes for Lima and your hiking boots for home.
Johanna is going to kill me when she sees I did not clean up before I took these pictures.
Seven more stairs up to the bedroom but look we finally have a couch.