Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Peru Winter Clarification

A little clarification about the wet Peruvian winters. As I said earlier it does not rain so how are the winters wet? It is extremely humid. There are no drops of water falling from the sky but this incredible mist that keeps you damp when you walk down the sidewalk. Some days this mist is heavier than others but no matter what the air is still humid therefore it takes forever to dry cloths. I still stand by my post about the hugh storm not too long ago because I still have not seen such a heavy rain since. I wish I could put it into words but it was too extraordinary to describe. You will just have to trust that it was an amazing sight.


  1. Sounds like it will do wonders for my hair! Lovely. But it's cool, right? Not like Florida humidity???

  2. Boy, my hair would stay curly all the time!!

  3. So much for How beautiful I am going to look in the pictures.


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