Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 28th Weekend (Independence Day in Peru)

Here in Peru this is a very big holiday and they usually get 4-5 days off from work so everybody goes on a short vacation. Johanna and I went to the beach with some friends and had a blast. One friend knows a family that owns a beach house (mansion) and they let him and his friends use it for Independence Day every year. I say mansion because at any given time there was 25 people staying there and it was not full. We went down on Saturday night and when we arrived the party was going strong. We ended up going to bed early because we were having so much fun. No, not early at night but early in the morning, 8:30am. The next two days were not as crazy as the first but still a lot of fun. We ate grilled food all day and on Tuesday night Manuel, an aspiring chef, cooked a hugh meal for everyone. Unfortunately Johanna and I had to leave Tuesday night after dinner because they were getting ready to start a bon fire on the beach. Oh well maybe next year. I must say that this group of friends is like a big family. They have known each other for many years but they are always willing to accept outsiders and make them feel like part of the family. Johanna had to work on Monday so I stayed at the beach all day, by myself, but it was great. Again they all made me feel at home and we had a lot of fun. Too bad the vacation is over and we have to get back to work. Wait I only work 12 hours per week so my vacation is going to continue.


  1. Oh my God!!! I went through the blog all the way from April to now.. so much going on.. but I see you guys HAPPY and HEALTHY and that makes me feel good. Enjoy as much as you can while in Peru...I see now that it is cold...Lots of hugs.. kathy carvalho

  2. Looks like ya'll had a great time!


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