Sunday, August 2, 2009

Peru Winter

Here in Peru the winters are very wet and the sun rarely comes out. Most people do not like this grey climate because it can be a little depressing but I am enjoying it especially since I know it is almost 100 degrees in Florida right now. Another drawback to the wet winter is that the cloths take 3 days to dry (we do not have a dryer). I am sure those of you who have every had to line dry cloths knows that after 3 days cloths start to sour so we have been using a fan to try to speed up the process. Well today is Sunday and we woke up to beautiful weather, the sun is shining and it is about 70 degrees. We both have the whole day off so what should we do first? The only thing I can think of is getting the laundry done. It is only going to take one day to dry this stuff so let’s do it all today. It is amazing how your priorities change.


  1. We will still pack lightly, and bring the Fabreeze :)
    Only 2 weeks!!!! Can't wait.
    Love, Mom

  2. Wait a minute? Back in May you said it never rains. Now you're telling us how wet the winters are? Would you care to explain how the winters get all wet with no rain, or is that a secret? ;-)


  3. they describes us whom live in lima "Los Peces!!because of the humidity in the winter!!!sonia


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